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Oct 26, 2022 12:00:00 AM3 min read

Introducing John Peitzman — Our New Director of Recruiting

Provisions Group is proud to announce the promotion of John Peitzman to Director of Recruiting, a role he will share with Scott Dickson. His talent, arduous work, and dedication to recruiting in the IT sector have paid off. Today, we will dive into John’s life behind the scenes.  

Tell us about your first day at Provisions Group. Looking back, how did those early days lead you to where you are today? 

I walked into PG, knowing something was different. I felt it in my interview process, and more importantly, my wife felt my entire demeanor change right away after joining PG. After week one, I still remember her telling me: “John, you need to stay at this company as long as you can; I can tell that you’re a different person already.” It has been an absolute joy being a part of the amazing growth of the Provisions Group family.  

It takes a village. Who is in yours? Who has been instrumental in your success here at PG? 

Many folks have helped shape me here at PG, but the one who has had the most profound impact has been Mike Edwards, whom I have reported to the entire eight years of being here. He goes beyond surface-level conversations to hear what truly makes me tick and is someone I could call at 3 am, and he would answer. He has lived out ‘Iron sharpens iron’ countless times with me: Both challenging me to get better and openly receiving my challenges to him.  

What does community mean to you? 

Community is that sense of belonging found through shared experiences, vision, motivations, etc. You do not have to look too far to find that at Provisions Group!  

Who are you outside of work? What makes you "you"? 

I am deeply rooted in my faith, which has been the center of my life since childhood and has become ever-important in today’s times. My wife and kids come next. We currently have our 4th child on the way (April 2023). You can find me coaching my kids' sports teams at any point in the year or spending precious time together. I am in my happy place when I am hunting in a deer stand, watching college football, or trying out a hometown ice cream shop.  

Rapid fire: What's your favorite travel destination? Favorite movie? Favorite childhood memory? 

Travel: Colorado – Hitting the ski slopes. A cabin tucked deep in the woods is a close second.  

Movie: Dumb & Dumber. I wish they still made movies this good!  

Memory: My dad took me on a father/son fishing trip to Canada each summer growing up with about 30 other close guy friends. I learned as I got older that it was not about fishing as it was about building relationships with family and friends.  

What does the future look like for you in your new role? 

I am most excited about helping grow the recruiting practice. I will remain hands-on in the recruiting that I love but will also have a hand in much more of the strategy conversations, making operational adjustments in policies/procedures where needed. While my role will still be in production and putting great people to work, I will be helping others do the same in the process, which is an area I thoroughly enjoy!  

Give our readers a piece of advice. 

Apologize when you are wrong. Humility and confidence can co-exist if you let them. 

Congratulations on your promotion, John. We look forward to continuing to watch you grow and develop your career here at Provisions Group.